Mobile App Scan to Purchase

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Requested by Billy Colonna, Mobile on 4/1/21


We've seen a significant increase in barcode scanner usage and orders in the app. How/why they are customers using it, what works well, and what does not.

What is the problem?

Discovery: how might we improve the experience?

How did you become aware of the problem?

Who is affected (customer, associate)?


What is the value to the business and/or customers?


  • Improve the barcode scanner experience 

  • Increase avg. monthly barcode scanner users from 250/mo. to 500/mo. 

  • Increase avg. monthly barcode scanner revenue from $671k/mo. to $1.5MM/

Ideal outcome

Known constraints

Limited bandwidth for UXR team.



  • Laurie Allen

  • James Corcoran

  • Aimeelyn Dineros

  • Dan Flynn

Product Team

  • Billy Colonna

  • Tara Gabb

  • Matt Hawley

  • Allison Shandy


  • Malcom McCutcheon

  • Farid Mokraoui



Client Brief

Billy has a list of scan to purchase customers we can interview.

Important: How much do we know about the from analytics, such as company name, location, role in company, size of company, frequency of app use?

See Billy’s Spreadsheet

Note: in December 2020 we released MyList Barcode Generator - did this serve to increase scanner usage?


Consider a Plan A/Plan B approach:

A) Start with interview to get more at goals and motivations.

B ) Call them from Teams. Record the call. Then, if they want to share a problem, ask to screen share. Upload the recording to UserZoomGo for analysis and clip sharing.

C ) if too busy, prepare to catch them on the phone for a short-form interview, because this customer segment is typically hard to schedule for a 30 minute screen-sharing session.

Most important questions:

  1. Why are they using the scanner? (not about “my phone is handy” but are they doing a certain job, combining with other tasks/processes/software?)

  2. Where are they getting their scan labels?

  3. Friction points with the barcode scanner


  1. Who are these users? What are their goals and motivations?

  2. What problems can we solve for them?

  3. What is the actual journey? Scan, cart, order in app, or using other devices/methods/software systems?

  4. Where did they get their barcodes? Book made by associate? Generating off of Bin labels in truck or warehouse, Provisions book, product catalog, product box, other?

  5. Why is the scanner helpful for their job? Find-ability aid? Reordering? Other?



Stakeholder Decision












Research Timeline
