Punchout - Local Inventory

Placeholder for epic.



Requested by Billy Colonna, Product Team on June 11, 2020


What is the problem?

Punchout users can only see DC inventory. It causes distrust in the inventory displayed in the Punchout experience.

  • We need to capture the zip code from punchout users in order to show availability (Manually provided)

    • How to get screenshots of punchout screens

      • Nathan will provide PO users

  • What's the best way to show that availability

    • Compare to Storefront and Live Prod

How did you become aware of the problem?

Who is affected (customer, associate)?

Larger compnaies (universities, etc…) that use Punchout

What is the value to the business and/or customers?

Ideal outcome

Known constraints



  • Drew Palko, Designer

Product Team

  • Billy Colonna, Product Manager, Requestor


  • S2S

    • Nathan Lienard

    • Stefanie Rauch



Meeting Notes for Discovery Meeting - June 11


  • Drew

  • Billy


  • Define problem statement and ideal solution

  • Capture questions and action Items required to begin discovery

  • Schedule follow up

record meeting


  • Do we know what the circumstances that led us to remove local availability were?

    • The site is one account - price driving account

    • No Job board

    • Even if an address was tied to the account, it may not be relevant or accurate.

  • Is the location an important part of availability to these users?

    • Loop in Laurie @Drew Palko

    • Users can be gathered by Nathan and Stefanie

  • Can we get general availability of products across Ferguson inventory?








Timeline - Accelerated
6/12/19 - Initial project brief
6/17/19 Customer list due
6/17/20 - Develop study plan
6/24/20 - Study Plan review by stakeholders
6/25/20 - Customer list due; interview script written
6/29/20 - Interview script approved by stakeholders; begin customer recruitment; target
6/30 7/2/20 - conduct remote, moderated interview sessions (before July 3-4 holiday weekend) Week of
7/6/20 analyze results and prepare insights report Week of
7/13/20 - report findings to stakeholders Week of
7/20/20 - fulfill incentives to participants; archive study artifacts



  • The team would have liked to have seen more focus on the availability unknowns around Punchout users, but found the general usability issues nonetheless helpful because of the scarcity of UX studies for Punchout




  • The team decided to move forward with attempting to show local availability for Punchout users.

  • A Zip Code is needed to show availability

    • We will probably keep this as a manual capture rather than try to automate it for the MVP

  • We must determine the best way to show availability given the solutions that have already been decided for Prod and Storefront





Test prototype




Test prototype








Research Timeline

