UX Research for Pro Project Dashboard



Requested by Rachel Gumpy, Build.com Project Tool on 12/16/2020


What is the problem?

Pros have historically had a high Project conversion rate* throughout FY 19 & 20, but that rate plateaued throughout Q1 of FY 21. Furthermore, Pros that use the Project tool are likely to spend more; however, not all Pros are using the tool.

*Pro Project conversion rate = Rate of orders placed using the Projects tool.

How did you become aware of the problem?

Business analysis of Projects Dashboard (navigate to “Pro” tab, also summarized in the chart above).

What is the value to the business and/or customers?

Based on trends, if we increase Project usage amongst Pros, this could increase the Project conversion rate.

If we discover customer workflows, then we can identify opportunities to improve their experience.

Ideal outcome

Discover how to increase the number of Pros using and starting Projects in the Project Management Tool.

Overall, to make an impact on the lives of Pros, helping them to easily accomplish their goals with projects and clients.

Who is affected (customer, associate)?

Pros, Showroom consultants, Build Account Management team.

Known constraints

Delivery of discovery research should be completed by February 26th.



  • Aimeelyn Dineros (Projects UX Researcher)

  • James Corcoran (Pro UX Researcher)

Projects Team

  • Rachel Gumpy (Projects Product Manager)

  • Susan Falcone (Projects Designer)


  • Pro Product Team:

    • Gabe Wardwell (Digital Product Designer)

    • Jaselle Spencer (Pro Product Manager)

    • John Stewart (Pro Sales Manager)

  • Other:

    • Laurie Allen (UX Research Manager)

  • Resources

    • Mihaela Koban (Historical data from past 4-5 months)

    • Joel Snodgrass (Sales Senior Mgr of the Pro division) - Optional



Client Brief






  1. Recruitment - Who are the most valuable Pros to recruit for a Project tool study?

    1. Generating the recruitment list

      1. Identify Pros that are utilizing the project tool most often, ideally those that have created a project within the last 30 days.

      2. Identify high value Pros that are not utilizing Projects, but could benefit from the tool.

      3. Adobe Analytics tracks users if they are logged into their account. We can correlate the tracked data, the DBID, with our internal customer database (James Corcoran is working with IT to get access to this database).

  2. Research Questions

    1. What other sites/tools are Pros using?

      1. Rachel’s suggestion - separating retail sites and day-to-day management

    2. Not all Pros understand how they can use the tools we offer

      1. Established customers relying on reps to price out their carts

      2. Possible to encourage customers to use Projects to price out their information

        1. Perhaps they can export?

        2. Add timelines?

        3. They’re used to getting the information in an email from reps, then forwarding over to their clients

        4. Otherwise, Pros have to train their representatives

    3. What are the goals and needs of Pros when managing their projects and clients?

    4. How are they currently using Projects? Why are they not using it?

    5. What are the areas gains and areas of friction in Projects?

      1. Review feedback - Usabilla Pro, Survey Monkey (Susan will provide).

      2. Idea document from 2018 - requests Build Pro reps/account managers heard from their Pros

      3. Pros & the Project Tool – March 2019 

    6. What are the more important business tools for these users?

    7. How can we create a tool that self services the needs of Pros? (They will still be relying on Sales Reps for quotes, estimates, etc.)

Types of studies: Contextual Interviews and Surveys


Data Needed for Recruitment

  1. Pro Users (Andres Harris will provide):

    1. DBIDs

    2. Name

    3. Email

    4. Phone

    5. Location (City, State)

    6. Owned or unowned Pro

      1. Communicating with Account Managers regarding owned Pros:

        1. Laurie/Chrystal - Keep them informed & share study results. However, we don't want to tell the sales associate too many details of the study - we want to avoid any "prep" of the customer which could bias our study. The customer might have some feedback about the associate, and we need to be a neutral outlet for them.

    7. Industry

      1. Recruit for all industries, but consider a focus on Contractors, Builders, and Designers, since they’re the largest group of Pros that Build.com & Showroom serves today.

      2. James C. - For non-users, leave out smaller contractor - they’re too small to benefit from a project tool. They pick-up products as they go (example: they have tiny, short-term, 1-2 day projects). They don’t want to bother with management tools.

      3. Jaselle - What kind of data defines a “smaller contractor” - revenue?

    8. Total Revenue

    9. Number of orders

    10. Number of projects

Adobe Analytics Data for Recruitment

  1. Goal - What’s their journey like on Build.com?

    1. Landing pages for build.com

    2. List of top Build.com Pageviews and unique visits (include where they’re coming from, then where they’re going)

      1. Views will identify how frequently they may need access to a certain page or feature - it needs to be easily accessible

      2. Views can help clarify whether Pros are using blank Projects to tag a job name. A Pro user can create a project, name it, and never add a product to it. They’ll place the order, and that project name shows up on all ordering material. These Pros are using projects to tag a job name. It’s hard to tell if the items ordered were apart of the project or not.

    3. Project pages: Pageviews and unique visits

      1. Views will help us to understand who may actually be in the project tool and using it

    4. 2 Checkout Funnels:

      1. If they move from the project tool to checking out

      2. If they checkout without ever going to the project tool


  1. Recruitment Data List

    1. James provided a list of Pros that have logged in within the past 6 months:

      1. User IDs (the system labels these as “DBIDS”), emails, revenue, whether they’re owned or unowned.

    2. Questions:

      1. We need to identify which of these Pros use Projects. Does Rachel Gumpy have access?

        1. Actions:

          1. Rachel has access to identify list of Pro Project users within a timeframe

          2. James will provide ZenDesk ticket link to Rachel to expedite access to data

          3. Rachel, James to meet 1/6 to pull the remaining recruitment data [may involve Andre Harris (Dre) and John Smith (back-end developer)]

          4. Aimeelyn to setup meeting with Tyson and James to identify pageviews based on DBIDs

Stakeholder Decision


Study Documents

Research Timeline and Milestones

Recruitment Lists

Projects Detail Page User Testing Plan Notes - April 2021

Results of Pro Project Dashboard Study - March 2021
