Order the Form Logically

Questions should be organized and asked logically from a user’s perspective, not organized according to the application or database logic. For example, it’s unusual to ask for someone’s address before their name. Stick to these user-friendly standard sequences both for fields (e.g., Credit-card number, Expiration date, Security code) and for value choices (e.g., Standard shipping, 2-day shipping, 1-day shipping). But for field values, also consider usage frequency, and list the most common values first when possible. 

The Starbucks iPhone application, which includes a mobile form to let you customize your drink order, unfortunately, hides the full ‘Decaf’ option off-screen to the right, requiring horizontal scrolling. If the full ‘Decaf’ is more frequently selected that the other options, it should be displayed first.

Starbucks iPhone app screen with Decaf options