Catalog and Search

On-Site Search

Results Layout & Filtering

  • Prominently Display the Total Number of Results - Baymard #377 / Show Total Number of Items in the Currently Displayed Product List - Baymard #531
  • Auto-Switch the Results Layout to Match the User’s Query - Baymard #379
  • Search Results Should Use a ‘Load More’ Approach - Baymard #381
  • Display Contextual Search Snippets - Baymard #382
  • Product Thumbnails Should Match the Variation Searched For - Baymard #386
  • Promote Scope Selection Within the Sorting Widget - Baymard #393

Product Lists & Filtering

List Layout

  • Use grid view for visually driven products, list view for spec-driven ones - Baymard #533

Loading Products

List Items: Product Info & Thumbnails

  • Provide the Right Amount of Product Information in a List Item - Baymard #440 <<<
  • Include Product Attributes Consistently Across List Items - Baymard #443
  • Combine SKUs Unless Visually Distinct - Baymard #421 <<<
  • Display ‘Price Per Unit’ For Multi-Quantity Items - Baymard #446
  • Display the List Item Information Above the Fold on the Product Page - Baymard #422
  • Consider Sparsely Highlighting Unique Purchasing Attributes - Baymard #447
  • Consider Including Logo Thumbnails When Brands Are of High Importance - Baymard #444
  • Thumbnail Sizes Should Reflect the User’s Need for Visual Product Information - Baymard #456

List Items: Interface & Hit Areas

  • Different Product Attributes in the List Item Should Be Visually Distinct - Baymard #448 <<< Webdisplaynames
  • Display Accurate Availability & Delivery Indicators - Baymard #528 <<< Discontinued, Out of Stock Indicators
  • Prices Should Be Easily Scannable - Baymard #452
  • Always Indicate Essential Product Variations in the List Item - Baymard #450
  • Numeric Product Specs Need Proper Labels and Units - Baymard #449
  • Ensure Pathing Is Clear and Consistent on List Items - Baymard #552
  • Avoid Quick Views - Baymard #529
  • Avoid Repetitive List Item Elements - Baymard #530
  • Consider Showing Additional List Item Information on Hover - Baymard #526

List Items: Personalization

  • Include List Item Information Based on Applied Filters and Sorting - Baymard #480
  • Consider Indicating Sub-Values of Selected Hierarchical Filters - Baymard #485
  • Highlight Any Product Already in the User's Cart - Baymard #484

Filtering: Available Filters

  • If You Have Multiple Product Statuses, Allow Users to Filter by Them All - Baymard #417
  • Allow User-Defined Ranges for All Numeric Filtering Values - Baymard #416

Filtering: Interface & Layout
