SOP - DXT Banner Type Reference Sheet (Merch)



DXT Banner Type Reference Sheet

Effective Date

February 2019



Business Owner

Farid Mokraoui


This document outlines the banner types offered by DXT.   

Banner Sizes


These banners encompass the full width of the website. Location example is the homepage hero. These are designed to market to logged in customers and their KOB.

Dimensions: 980 x 260 

Keep in mind the mobile margins. The banner will be cropped on the left and right sides on mobile versions of the home page. Height can be variable when absolutely necessary.


Secondary banners are always displayed in pairs, side by side on the homepage. We call them secondary because the primary importance is given to the hero banner they are marketed in the same way as the hero banner for each KOB.

Dimensions: 600 x 260


These banners exist on the homepage and span the full width. They are used if additional marketing is needed on the homepage that cannot be addressed by the hero or secondary banners.

Dimensions: 980 x 120


The most common banner type is the catalog banner. These are commonly displayed at the top of a search results page. Commonly referred to as "search results banners' or SRBs. Catalog banners can be placed anywhere in the catalog, search results, brand, or category pages. Height is variable depending on need and design. Average dimensions below.

Dimensions: 700 x 160

Catalog Skinny

This is a specialty catalog banner design to be compact, and is often referred to as an "inline banner." Catalog skinny banners are minimalistic and do not contain images. They comprise a primary message and CTA only. Like a normal catalog banner, these can be placed anywhere in the catalog, but work well when placed in the middle of a PLP, or "inline" with the content.

Dimensions: 700 x 80


These banners live in the left nav of the website and are vertical in design.

Dimensions: 460 x 660

3 across

This is a specialty banner for the homepage to promote 3 campaigns in a minified space. The three promotions are displayed horizontally in a card format, with the image on the left and the primary message and CTA on the right. The character limit for the primary message is 50 characters to accommodate the minified space. 

Dimensions: 980 x variable height

Banner Types


This banner type has a Call to Action (CTA) that takes the user to another location.


This banner type does not have a Call to Action (CTA) that takes the user to another location. A common example is a Brand Logo header banner.

Content Block

This isn't really classified as a banner. This is a small informational block of content, not enough content to be its own landing page, too much content for a banner. These may be either static or include a Call to Action.

MI - Major Incident

Also, not technically a "banner" but we are responsible for developing and maintaining these on the site. This is considered a notification. These display within the site header at the very top and are for notifying customers of technical issues on the site or promoting important information (i.e. COVID-19 related information). MI notifications are minified messages no longer than the length of a tweet (140 characters) on a colored background depending on the urgency or issue.

Banner Elements

The below are items that can comprise a promotional banner. Character limits are the max allowed. Discretion should be used for proper placement and campaign specifications.

  • Image(s)
    • Product image and/or brand logo
  • Primary message
    • Character limit 120
  • Secondary message (optional)
    • Character limit 80
  • Disclaimer (optional)
    • Character limit 40
  • CTA
    • Should be short, succinct, and clear
    • Ex: Shop Now, Shop Pipe Fittings


Please reach out to Hope Skinner for questions about banner types or if you have a need that doesn't fit into the above specifications.