SOP - DXT Logo Creation
Title Logo Creation | Effective Date January 2020 |
Department eBusiness | Business Owner Farid Mokraoui |
This document outlines the key processes and policies for Logo Creation.
Policies and Procedures
Logo information should be updated and store through this link: All Category
- Column A = Brand Name
- Column B = The WCS Metadata ID Number for the newly added/updated Logo
- Column C = The name of the file in WCS
- Column D = The URL attached to the WCS asset for the newly added/updated Logo
- Column E = The Width of the Logo you are loading (all logos added should be 600px wide)
If a logo already exists and it is requested you "update" the logo, please confirm if this change should happen to all instances of the logo you currently have,
then you can replace the logo in WCS with the new logo given. Please make sure that the width is 600px.
If you need to create a new "version" of a logo, right click and add a new row to the sheet.
Match the brand name and specify the difference, for example above: American Standard, American Standard Grey, American Standard HVAC.
All of these should have different WCS assets, ID Numbers and URLS.
- Receive new logo
- Open a styling program and create an artboard at 600px
- Place logo onto artboard and scale to fit the 600px width, height can vary
- Export to your job that has requested the new logo
- Open WCS > Content > New >Media > Linked Image Content
- Name with: Brand Name Large Logo
- Once the logo is dragged in and saved, open link above to add logos details
The WF Reference number should be added to your new logo in the tag section.
This number is the number in the publishing task to the job that has requested the logo EX: WF1234563.
You will need to add the "WF" in the front of the publish number (no spaces between).
This logo, once checked in for publishing, will publish with the project checked.
All communication about the new asset should be approved through WorkFront (WF) with the requestor.
Issues Out of Scope
If the logo is incorrect or not of good quality, express this to the requestor and ask if they have the full size vendor logo.