SOP - DXT JSON Multi-Card Promo Content (Merch)
Title DXT JSON Multi-Card Promo Content | Effective Date October 2021 |
Department eBusiness | Business Owner Justin Jackson |
This document outlines the process for DXT creating JSON Multi-Card Promo Content
Important Note – The spreadsheets for JSON Multi-Card Promo Content live in OneDrive here.
Visual example
- Dynamic multi-card slot for promotional content
- Can support one to eight promotions
- Responsive
- Meant to house homepage promotions outside the hero banner
- Merchandise to submit their requests as new projects in this program: DXT Multi-Card Content and include a link to the sheet for JSON export. Copy the project template. Keep in planning until images and spreadsheet has been attached. Change project status to "current" and mark task one complete to kick off the next tasks.
- Name the project [KOB] - Multi-Card - PROMO (replace KOB with your KOB)
- For a multi-KOB promo, name the project [NAME] - Multi-Card - Promo (replace NAME with your name)
- Once the designer, creates the image for this promo, the details will be added to the Multi-KOB tab of the promo repository spreadsheet and copied to the appropriate KOB spreadsheets.
- Merchandise is to provide any image(s) needed to create the promo card imagery.
- Merchandise to identify to copywriter which cell(s) in the spreadsheet need copy review.
- Copy will be cut off after 200 characters.
- Designer to create promo imagery
- Follow image template in Figma for sizing/margins for your image (Creating Images - Template). Export your image at 1.5 sizing.
- Upload image to WCS. Add asset ID to KOB multi-card promo spreadsheet
- Export the JSON and upload to WCS after imagery and copy is approved.
- QA in staging
- Publish
HTML slot template:
<div id="ftpromo-js-product" data-id="senior" data-campaign="2600013692897"></div>
Attach Javascript asset: 2600013692779
Attach Stylesheet: 2600013692700
data-campaign is the asset ID to the KOB JSON
data-id is the section name from column A of the KOB spreadsheet. This variable should match the name of the tab in the spreadsheet.
Add slot asset ID to column C of the KOB spreadsheet
Promo Repository
If a promo card can be reused in the future, the data for that promo can be stored in this promo repository spreadsheet, organized by KOB
Need to update the slot without creating new content? Removing a promo card? Adding a promo card from the repository?
Simply submit a JSON update request to the DXT Ticket Queue.