SOP - DXT Test & Target Collaborative Project (Merch, Analytics)



DXT Test & Target Projects

Effective Date

October 2019



Business Owner

Farid Mokraoui


This document outlines the key processes and policies for DXT projects utilizing Adobe Test & Target. 

Important Notes

  • Pursuing Test & Target projects requires sign-off from Target governance group (Farid, Sam, and Jess)
  • Test & Target implementation will not begin until design has been fully signed off and approved.
  • Additional time may be required to:
    • build out experience if multiple instances are needed
    • work within Adobe Target constraints
    • publish any HTML images used in a test. These will need to be published to production via WCS prior to tests being built in Target
  • Launching timeline of testing experiences will depend on Analytics availability/calendar. Score/prioritization will be more strongly enforced.

Policies and Procedures

Target Process Flow 

  1. Requesting to utilize Adobe Test & Target must be discussed and agreed upon before the project begins. This is to ensure all instances to be designed are captured.
  2. Normal project flow for design, proofing, develop, and testing.
  3. Publish any images needed for Test & Target to production via WCS.
  4. Build experience(s) in Test & Target with the approved designs and code.
  5. Test & verify experiences via QA links.
  6. Stakeholder review and sign-off
  7. Test scheduled and launched
  8. Results

DXT Target Process WF Tasks

These are in addition to the normal project workflow tasks of design, proof, develop, and testing

WF TaskTurnaround TimeWF Concurrent TaskTurnaround Time
Build experience(s)
with the approved designs and code

Banners: 3-5 days

Landing pages: 5-10 days

Test experience(s)
3-5 days

DXT, Stakeholder, Analytics
QA Review & Sign-off

1 day

Build segmentation
1 day

QA - communicate final test link
1 dayAnalytics
Write Launch Email
3 days
1 day


Analytics WF Tasks

To begin after DXT tasks are complete