SOP - DXT FSE Cartridge Icons (Merch)



DXT FSE Cartridge Icons

Effective Date

November 2019



Business Owner

Farid Mokraoui


This document showcases all the icons to use for the FFS cartridges. Example of FSE cartridge below. 

Policies and Procedures 

Important Notes  

This is the list of 11 icons and their asset numbers to reference in WCS. Some icons have a specific use while others are broader to fit certain content that might not fall under one of the other categories. A custom icon should only be made if the content doesn’t fit into one of these categories and will be repeatedly used for other upcoming content.  

Icon Categories  

  • My List (2600007514053) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007514053 
  • Appliances (2600007517158) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517158 
  • Lighting (2600007517210) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517210 
  • Plumbing (2600007517265) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517265 
  • Safety (2600007517323) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517323 
  • Sustainability (2600007517384) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517384 
  • Sales (2600007517448) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517448 
  • Catalog (2600007517535) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517535 
  • Products (2600007517620) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517620 
  • Promotions / Announcements (2600007517695) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517695 
  • Features (2600007517773) 
  • /sites/content/image/2600007517773 


List of Icons – Icon should take the color and form of whatever style the cartridge is in.  

Designing Icons 

When designing an icon for the cartridge there is a template file in the Ferguson files under work > > resources > libraries > icon-template.sketch. The artboard is 24px by 24px pixels and follow the design guidelines from If you are able to find an icon already designed that works for your use, has an array of icons for our team to use.  

Exporting for Designers 

The cartridge that holds the icon is in a container 40px by 40px. When exporting make sure either the height or the width of the icon hits the maximum size of 40px to ensure all icons are sized equally. When exporting, the width and height is hard coded in the SVG file itself which may need to be adjusted if the exported icon from the design file isn't the proper width or height. 

Current slots for Different FFS Profiles 

Multifamily Profile- 2600005974063 

Hospitality - 2600005973816 

Senior Living - 2600007513289