SOP - DXT Punchout Projects (Merch, S2S)



DXT Punchout Projects

Effective Date

October 2019



Business Owner

Farid Mokraoui


This document outlines the key processes and policies for Punchout requests. 

Important Notes

  • Develop process is almost the same as for 
  • Setup by Tim in XM to get the content onto the site. 
  • There is no Punchout staging site. You will have to use site below with credentials. 

Policies and Procedures 

Development Process Flow  

  •  Develop the content you want to be on the site. 
  •  Upload code to WCS. 
  •  Test your content on 
  •  Once approved, tag the UX Engineers on the Workfront project letting them know the content will be published to Punchout.
  •  Publish content to production as normal. 
  •  Find out if Tim needs to add any of the content to be in a certain testing zone.  
  •  If certain zone is needed tag Dyrone/UX Engineers on Workfront stating which zone the content needs to be in. They will set the content up in that zone.  
  •  Right after publishing or after UX engineers set up testing zone is done, Tim can set up content in XM. 
  •  Meet with Tim or use Punchout test site credentials provided by Nathan Lienard to check content on the site is working.  
  •   Once content looks good Tim can publish content out to production.  
  •  Use Punchout test site credentials to check everything on production. 


Expected Turnaround Time – The turnaround time for a project with content that will be published on Punchout 

WF Task Turnaround Time 
Design Punchout content. (DXT) 5 days
Get content approved by project sponsor (Project Sponsor/Merch) 2-3 days
HTML/CSS development (DXT) 5 days
Publish content to (DXT) 1 day
(Optional) Dyrone sets up target zone (UX Engineers/Dyrone) 1-2 days
Hand off assets to Tim to setup in XM. (DXT/Tim Indoe) 1-3 days
Publish content onto Punchout. (Tim Indoe) 1 day
Check content on site. (DXT/Tim Indoe)  1 day

Viewing Content on Punchout

Credentials Provided by Nathan/Tim 


Login - fergsim2019 

Password - Test124!

Then you will enter a client ID and security Key. 


FFS –  

Client – Aimco 

Security Key - 1dEk78G5xdny83e 


Industrial – 

Client – MPC 

Security Key - 6q;Lt,Sk*,34BAY 


Another Industrial 

Client – Alcoa 

Security - YNoF8K~ks3(1/9S 


Once entered, you will have a new page show up and you have to enter the Client name in the userid: field, then hit submit