Sharing Results
Think about this:
What is the best way to synthesize, visualize and share what I learn so that the key insights and opportunities can be actioned and addressed in design?
Who will benefit from this data?
Some options:
- Presentations: 30 to 60 minutes PPT
- Galleries: Journey Maps, personas, print and paste in wall
- Blogs: Articles (Pipeline)
- Internal Social Media: MS Teams EBusiness Weekly Updates
- Food for Thought: Research findings meet-up
- Videos & Podcasts: Quick Video or Podcast
- Combine them: Mix & Match
Keep in mind:
- Know your audience: Report, Summary, Graphs, Blogs?
- Collaborate: Different skills can innovate solutions
- Make a Plan
- Language: Plain language when sharing & active voice
- Personalize your message: Use different formats according to "What matters to them?"
- Evaluate & Measure: Heard the podcast? Check the article? View the PPT?
- Make it Appealing:
- Purpose clear
- Easy to read: Titles, bold, etc.
- Use visual elements: Charts, photos, etc.
- Be consistent
Right now Designers use Invision to add comments to Prototypes and use the following filters:
- Comments: Conversations/Requests/Changes
- Notes: Other teams questions
- Private Comments: Consider Designer for a redesign
- Tour Points: Guide other
, multiple selections available,