New Registration Emails

✅Operations, CSR & Credit Verified

New User: Set Up your Account

  • Customer: Welcome & Credit Information Email (#13)
  • Customer: Welcome & Confirmation Email (#7)
  • Internal: Lead Portal Email (Text Format no need for template) (#8)
  • Internal: Branch Email which will forward the initial Lead Email (#37)
  • Internal: CSR Emails (Lead Forwarding Unsuccessful) (#38)
  • Internal: CSR Setup Request (#34)

Existing User: Get Online Access

  • Customer: Confirmation Email (#27)
  • Internal: CSR Lead Request (#28)
  • Internal: CSR OLBP Lead Request (#29)


  • Customer: Access Granted & Password Reset (#32)


For specifications needed for each email please check using the reference number above in (#).

ACMC - CSR User Creation:

*All the fields and content was organized based on the Customer Support Team (CSR) process, where they have to copy and paste this information intro ACMC (See Interface Below):

Here is an example of the format they use for the emails they got from the Contact Us form, and forward to a Specific Branch using the Add-On in Outlook (Text Format):

OLBP Request Email

*When a user request Online Bill Pay Access, this is the email that Credit gets: