Transition ServiceNow Request Statuses

You must be a Project Admin to perform these steps.

Ways to access Automation rules in your project:

  1. Project Settings->Automation

  2. On a Scrum or Kanban Board (not the Backlog) select the lightning bolt at the top of the page

    1. Or in an issue select Actions at the top of the right panel

  1. Select Create automation or Manage automations

To “Work in Progress” from “In Progess” Status Category (Blue Statuses)

  1. Create a new rule

  2. Add a Trigger = Issue Transitioned

    1. From status - leave blank to match all statuses

    2. To status - select the In progress status in your project or any other In Progress (blue) statuses.

    3. Next


  1. Add component-> IF: Add a condition -> Related issues condition

    1. Related issues - Linked issues

      1. Link type - Select the link type used in the automation rule to create the issues.

      2. Condition - Some match specified JQL

      3. Matching JQL - issuetype = "ServiceNow Request" and status != "Work in Progress"

      4. This will only update the ServiceNow Request if it is not already in Work in PRogress status.

      5. Add additional conditions in your query as needed.

      6. Validate your query

    2. Next

  1. Add a Branch rule / related issues - this is so you will update the ServiceNow Request, not the current issue.

    1. Type of related issues - Linked issues

    2. Link type - select the Link type set up in the Create automataion rule

    3. Next

  1. Add component → THEN Add an Action -> Transition issue

    1. Destination Status - Work in PRogress

    2. If you want to copy additional information over to the ServiceNow Request, you can what fields to set on the ServiceNow Request here. Example - Assignee can be copied from the trigger issue.

    3. Next



  1. In Rule Details, give the rule a meaningful name and description

  2. Turn on Rule


To “Closed Complete” from “Done” Status Category (Green Statuses)

  1. Create a new rule

  2. Add a Trigger = Issue Transitioned

    1. From status - leave blank to match all statuses

    2. To status - select the Done status(es) in your project (green) statuses.

    3. Next



  1. Add component-> IF: Add a condition -> Related issues condition

    1. Related issues - Linked issues

      1. Link type - Select the link type used in the automation rule to create the issues.

      2. Condition - Some match specified JQL

      3. Matching JQL - issuetype = "ServiceNow Request" and status != "Closed Complete"

      4. This will only update the ServiceNow Request if it is not already in Closed Complete status.

      5. Add additional conditions in your query as needed.

      6. Validate your query

    2. Next



  1. Add a Branch rule / related issues - this is so you will update the ServiceNow Request, not the current issue.

    1. Type of related issues - Linked issues

    2. Link type - select the Link type set up in the Create automataion rule

    3. Next

  1. Add component → THEN Add an Action -> Transition issue

    1. Destination Status - Closed Complete

    2. If you want to copy additional information over to the ServiceNow Request, you can what fields to set on the ServiceNow Request here. Example - Assignee can be copied from the trigger issue.

    3. Next



  1. In Rule Details, give the rule a meaningful name and description

  2. Turn on Rule




To “Closed Incomplete” from “Done” Status Category (Green Statuses)

  1. Create a new rule

  2. Add a Trigger = Issue Transitioned

    1. From status - leave blank to match all statuses

    2. To status - select the Done status(es) in your project (green) statuses. Determine which statuses you have that will indicate work is not being done.

    3. Next



  1. You can also narrow down the issues you want to mark as Closed Incomplete by adding a condition, such excluding some resolutions.

  2. Add component-> IF: Add a condition -> JQL condition

    1. JQL - resolution not in (Done, Resolved, Completed, Fixed)

    2. Validate query.

A list of available Resolutions can be found here.



  1. Add component-> IF: Add a condition -> Related issues condition

    1. Related issues - Linked issues

      1. Link type - Select the link type used in the automation rule to create the issues.

      2. Condition - Some match specified JQL

      3. Matching JQL - issuetype = "ServiceNow Request" and status != "Closed Incomplete"

      4. This will only update the ServiceNow Request if it is not already in Closed InComplete status.

      5. Add additional conditions in your query as needed.

      6. Validate your query

    2. Next



  1. Add a Branch rule / related issues - this is so you will update the ServiceNow Request, not the current issue.

    1. Type of related issues - Linked issues

    2. Link type - select the Link type set up in the Create automataion rule

    3. Next

  1. Add component → THEN Add an Action -> Transition issue

    1. Destination Status - Closed INComplete

    2. If you want to copy additional information over to the ServiceNow Request, you can what fields to set on the ServiceNow Request here. Example - Assignee can be copied from the trigger issue.

    3. Next



  1. In Rule Details, give the rule a meaningful name and description

  2. Turn on Rule




Follow the above steps for any other status mapping you want to automate.


Add label