Native App - Design Research

Question 1: What can we learn about how to create the best experience(s) on apps?
Question 2: What can we learn about our business and users to create the best Ferguson experience(s) on app?

Step 1: Cast wide net on available resources (articles, books, papers, talks). Save links.
Step 2: Delve into each link resource to find pertinent information. Save pertinent information and cite references.

Categories of expertise:
Platform > Brand > User

Categories of Standards:
Principles > Guidelines > Standards


B2B Design - Ferguson:



Design Systems (For Reference)


Product: Ferguson App



B2C future state


Android and iOS


Device Support


Tablet support in future state



App Login Screen

App Onboarding


App Search

  • Making search easier to access on mobile screens (02/2020) Read

    • NOTE: Interesting article explaining the restrictions Apple and Google have on not allowing a search action to be in the bottom navigation drawer. Developers have gotten around this by adding a search icon in the bottom nav drawer by instead of it being a search action it is a “discover” action. This requires two taps, one for the discover button and another for the search field that appears at the top. The author recommends having the discover action in the navigation drawer, but auto selecting the search field, bringing up the OS keyboard and not making a need to have the extra tap.


App Tutorials


App Permissions


App Design Overall

  • A Comprehensive Guide To Mobile App Design (02/2018)

  • 10 Do’s and Dont’s of Mobile App Design (02/2018)

    • Do's

      1. ✅ Research before design

      2. ✅ Prioritize features

      3. ✅ Cut out the clutter

      4. ✅ Make navigation self-evident

      5. ✅ Design finger-friendly tap-targets

      6. ✅ Make text legible

      7. ✅ Provide feedback on interactions

      8. ✅ Minimize the need for typing

      9. ✅ Create a seamless experience

      10. ✅ Always test your design

    • Dont's

      1. ❌ Don’t try to design the perfect experience from the first attempt

      2. ❌ Don’t design in isolation

      3. ❌ Don’t ask for permissions right at the start

      4. ❌ Don’t make users wait for content

      5. ❌ Don’t use jargon in the user interface

      6. ❌ Don’t use custom gestures as a primary way of interacting with an app

      7. ❌ Don’t replicate the web experience on apps

      8. ❌ Don’t create dead end pages

      9. ❌ Don’t take users to a browser

      10. ❌ Don’t ask a user to rate your app during their first experience


App Accessibility


Other Resources


App Case Studies / Walkthroughs


Helpful search results


Other interesting articles






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