Remote Work Policy

The nature of the work DXT does and the technology available to us makes working remote easier than ever. These policies outline the options available for remote work.

Expectations of Remote Work

You must be accessible and available during working hours

You are responsible for making sure you have the proper environment and connections to do your work

You must make an effort to have your camera on as much as possible

If you are needing to work remotely unexpectedly - it is your responsibility to communicate that to the team


Ferguson Remote Work Policy (updated 2019).pdf

HQ Members

HQ DXT Members will have the option to work remote one day a week after the first 90 days of employment.

  • They must pick a day stick to that schedule so that the whole team is aware of when each team member will be in the office
  • This schedule must be documented in the team calendar
  • If performance is impacted by this change, this option will be taken away

Anyone commuting long distances and has appointments close to home has the option to work remotely that day to minimize the unnecessary driving back and forth.

There may be special cases where remote work is needed - please check with Farid in those cases.

If you are sick but able to work - please work remotely

Full Remote Members

DXT Members may have the option to transfer to full-time remote should the need arise, but will be evaluated on a case by case basis.