Research Findings

What did I do in a nutshell?

Discovery: Collect Data to understand "What we know about the Dashboard"

Now What? Share insights & Areas of opportunity from the research

The Process

Ask Questions? Identify the Problem & set clear objectives


Research Plan

How did I answer the questions? The Method & Sample

  • Identify who to ask:
    • Stakeholders
    • Content Creators
  • Analyze existing Data
    • Quantitative Data
    • Qualitative Data

What does that mean? Data

What did I found out? Research Findings

What does that mean? Research Findings

Now what? Next Steps: Keepers, Opportunities for Improvement & Recommendations


Read more about the Dashboard Interview Notes...

MN: Dashboard - Richard Interview

Scott's Interview

Tim's Interview

Sam's Interview

Read more about the Dashboard Features...

Read more about the Dashboard User Taxonomy...