Autocomplete (Formally known as Typeahead) UI/UX Standards



Desktop Prototype:

Mobile Prototype:






Search Field


Text Field

  • Placeholder: "Search for products"
  • Maintain search query after search is executed
  • Once a character is entered into the field, show the "X" icon.
    • Function: "X" icon removes the entered query from the field.
  • Begin showing Recommendations with the first keystroke to create a consistent search experience and impression of speed for users, while also reassuring them in their interactions with instant visual feedback.
  • Update to match UI Kit styles

3Search Button
  • Upon Text Field focus, the style of the button will change to flat in order to blend better with the dropdown.
  • onclick: perform the search using the query that is entered in the text field.





7Section Order

The Business (Merchandising) will need to be able to control the order that the different autocomplete recommendation sections show up in, through Endeca/XM.

Quantity per Section

The number of recommendations that show up in each section should be based on a relevancy ranking based on the query that the user has entered. Because the autocomplete widget should expand to fit its options (and never use a scrollbar to limit their size), the number of options should be limited so they don’t overflow the user’s viewport. (see guideline #404)

Max Quantity


  • The max number of recommendations shouldn't exceed 10.


  • The max number of recommendations shouldn't exceed 7.

    • This may cause the recommendations to extend beyond the keyboard on older, smaller phone screens.
      • We need to provide a scrollable area to account for this.
      • Given that this doesn't apply to many of the newer phones, we're not concerned that this is an issue. We will monitor moving forward to determine if another solution is needed.


User can use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate through the recommendation list. The focused item will use the hover styles, and the query in the text field will update to match the focused element. Allowing the user to navigate and select the autocomplete suggestions with their keyboard is essential (see guideline #369)

If the user hovers over a recommendation item with their mouse, the item will appear in the hover state, but no change is made to the query until the user clicks on a recommendation item.

When the user presses "enter", whatever query is populated in the text field will be submitted.


Recommendation Types:

12Search HistoryIcon: Clock IconShows upon Text Field focus.13

Give the users the ability to remove an item from their search history

  • Desktop
    • on hover: a "Remove" link appears

    • When the user clicks the "Remove" link, a success message is shown:

  • Mobile
    • on swipe left: the item will translate left (partially-off of the screen) revealing a remove button next to the item.

    • On click: The item will translate left (completely off screen) and the remove button will be replaced with a success message:

13Removal Success Message

Label: "Removed from search history"

Link: "Undo"

Message shows for up to 7 seconds.

If the user pushes "Undo" while the message is shown, the item will be returned to the list.


Title: "Suggestions"

Icon: Search Icon

Provide “Suggested Search Queries” for users, instead of just categories or results (products).

Search Query Suggestions should provide the following benefits to the user:

  • Reassurance
    As the user types and autocomplete suggestions related to the entered query appear, the user is reassured in the usage of those keywords and that the site carries products related to such searches.
  • Exactitude
    By displaying increasingly detailed suggestions, the user will be encouraged to submit a more detailed search query. The suggestions may indeed help the user remember details of a product name and in this way help them find the exact product they are looking for, even if the user initially could only recall the base name of the product (and not, for example, the specific model).
  • Exploration
    A few subjects described autocomplete results as “the computer” finishing their thoughts. In other words, they felt they could begin typing in a thought and then have different paths suggested to them. Thus, autocomplete suggestions enable users to use search for more explorative product-finding tasks too.
  • Spelling
    Good autocomplete suggestions will automatically correct misspellings (correcting “Mac Book Air” to “MacBook Air” in the suggestions) and suggest meaningful word replacements (e.g., suggesting “laptop adapter” when the user types “laptop charger”). However, be sure not to suggest redundant spelling variations (see guideline #368).
  • Guidance
    By suggesting alternate paths and related queries, the site can guide its users toward relevant (and high-profit) content on the site. This is especially true of time-sensitive content – such as special offers and seasonal campaigns – and relevant search scopes (see guideline #361).
  • Probing
    Some subjects used the number and accuracy of autocomplete suggestions to gauge the types of queries the site supported. For example, if “spring jackets” was suggested after typing “jackets”, the subjects would conclude that the site supported Thematic and Product Type queries. They also used it to gauge the range of the site’s product catalog – for example, if search suggestions grew increasingly detailed yet remained relevant, the subjects generally perceived the site to carry a lot of products related to the base part of their query.

Suggested search queries requires 2 parts to make it useful:

  • Search is able to apply filters automatically to the results page
  • the site recommends (or suggests) useful search queries to the user that would apply accurate filters to the results page.


Title: "Categories" or "Brands" respectively


  • Top Level: {dimension name}
  • Not Top Level: {dimension name} " in " {top-level parent name}

Number of Results: Show the number of results for each item in parenthesis to give the user context into how the results are ordered.

This is the only thing that shows in the current Autocomplete.

Items are ordered by number of results within each one.


Title: "Products"

Product Image: {product-image}

Line 1: Will show {web-display name} or {product-code} depending on the search query and which one we're confident they're searching for.

Line 2: 

  • If {web-display-name} is shown on line 1:
    • {product-code} " • " {relevant-spec-title} ": " {relevant-spec-value}
  • If {product-code} is shown on line 1:
    • {web-display-name}

If the web display name is too long to show, only show the most relevant section with ellipsis' on the beginning and end when necessary.


(n.) Sometimes referred to as "Typeahead", Autocomplete is the component on that drops down and shows recommendations as the user is typing in the main search field on the site.

(n.) Any product attribute returned as a recommendation by the Autocomplete algorithm. Currently only "category" or "brand" are returned.

(n.) The string that is entered into search field.

(n.) An item that is returned by the Autocomplete algorithm as being relevant to what the user is typing. Could be 1 of 4 types: Search History, Suggestion, Dimension, or Result.

(n.) Any specific product (SKU) returned as a recommendation by the Autocomplete algorithm, that takes the user directly to a product page. 

Search History
(n.) Any query that the user has entered that didn't result in a 404 or "no results" page.

(n.) Curated search query offered to the user as a possible search that would cause the site to return relevant results to what they're looking for.