UX Research Tickets


Create project home page - in Confluence for multi-team reference

Create study plan - always, 2 hours to draw up then discuss 1 hr then fill out the rest of the way (can be same day, can take a few days), single source of truth has to come first (punchout most recent one, notifications laurie will send link opt in - online opt in for order shipping tracking)

Research site analytics - sometimes depending, depends and might take a while if we have to go through sam.

Hypothesize typical use cases - based on site usage analytics, are there patterns that suggest use cases we can consider during recruitment and verify during testing?

Create recruitment list - tough one, we have to define who the target user is based on stakeholder convo, and figure out resource for finding people, easy if pull from active web users through acmc. or lists we compile - complex. if non ferg people, very hard, have to use outside sources, 1 day or a month

Recruit and schedule participants - 2 week deal

screening participants is a subtask

Update recruitment spreadsheet with customer website - house keeping, maintenance of recruitment list. could be a checklist item or subtask. under recruit and schedule

Review prototype(s) with designer - sometimes, might not always have one. usually scheduled, depends on how complex. ~ day, 1-8 hours.

Write survey/interview/testing script - 2 hours, surveys take longer to write - own thing, not always having to need a prototype

Create tracking instrument for responses - 1 hour, comes after the above task

Prepare participants for the test - 30 min or back and forth or provide link in meeting invite. check off and remember to do

Conduct the interview/study/test - an hour for multiple users, could be 5-10 hours depending on how many. time for survey, not spending time on it, x number of days for responses, hit them up again and wait some more. a week, and maybe another week if we don’t have what we need. surveys only. for interview or usability study, that goes at least a week or maybe 2


Do quantitative analysis of site usage - depends on what needs to be looked up, if sam involved, more time. if not, 20 min. a week for sam or so.

Analyze study responses - every time a new study is done. if just data, quick. could be hours if video. maybe hour long video each, stopping and writing things down. 1 hour = 1.5 to 2 hours to make good notes. if 5 participants, 10 hours of analysis

Create HEART metrics for this study - 1 hour, what matches up to framework. do this every time but not all elements of framework apply.

Compare to HEART metrics overall - new concept. haven’t been doing long enough. if we were doing this, 1 hour to log the data. go through all studies and look at scores and comparing them. might be quarterly for reporting. not a required task for any project.

Prepare visual aids for qualitative and quantitative data results - takes an hour. usually some sort of visual that needs to be made.


Create report with insights for action and possible further research - every time, 8 hour, full day or a little over. after survey or interview or usability, had time to analyze it. go over it together. decide key points to address. sounds like 1 person but collaborative.

Share study findings with stakeholders (use RACI criteria) - all the prep was in previous step. 30 min - 1 hour. sometimes follow up with action items. scheduled.


Store study samples and artifacts - not holding up the project, just putting away the work. multiple steps to this. GOOGLE DRIVE - bucket

Curate study findings and index/tag for future access - if we can get our 3rd person, we need to set up something, is it confluence? link to studies…upcoming project when we have help. how to find things in the bucket

Update glossary/index/search tool (to be developed) -

Update customer contact records and advisory board status - airtable, administrative

Fulfill customer incentives - legal and finance