[Registration: New Account Form


TitletextSet up your Ferguson account
SubtitletextAccount creation for new customers
CopytextWhether you’ve done business with us before or this is your first time, creating an account is an easy step towards taking advantage of all the benefits Ferguson has to offer!

Form Instructions

InstructionstextComplete the form below to get started creating your Ferguson account.
Prefer to do this over the phone? Just call 1-888-222-1785 (Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm EST) to speak with a Ferguson associate.

Contact Information

Element TypeLabelRestrictionsValidation
TitletextContact Information
Descriptive texttextWe will use this information to follow-up with you.
First nameinput, textFirst NameMinimum 1 character, max 40

Last nameinput, textLast NameMinimum 1 character, max 40

Emailinput, emailEmailMax 75 charactersOn error: Must be a valid email address

On existing: This email is already in use.

Add user CTAtextNeed to add a user to an existing Ferguson.com account? Learn how

Company Information

TitletextCompany Information

Descriptive texttextWe will use this information to set up your company.

Company nameinput, textCompany NameAlpha-numeric, max 30

Company streetinput, textStreetAlpha-numeric, max 30

How is this going to work exactly?
Company cityinput, textCityAlpha-numeric, max 30

Company stateinput, alphanumericStateAlpha-numeric, max 30

Company zipcodeinput, numericZipcodeNumeric, max 10

Company phoneinput, phoneCompany PhoneNumeric, max 14

Type of businesscheckbox groupType of Business

Residential Repair, Remodel, New Construction, etc.

Heating, Cooling, etc.

Sewer Authorities, Utility Contractors, Heavy Highway, etc.

Fire & Fabrication
Fire Protection, Suppression, Water Supply Systems, etc.

Commercial Mechanical
Commercial Plumbers, Mechanical Contractors, etc.

Builder & Design
Construction, Architect, Interior Design, etc.

Facilities & Hospitality Maintenance
Property Management, Janitorial, Lawn Care, etc.

Chemical, Manufacturing, Mining, Oil, Gas and Power, etc.
Select all that apply

Credit Application 

TitletextApply for Credit

Descriptive texttextA commercial credit account allows you to charge to your account and maintain a running balance with Ferguson.

Checkboxcheckbox groupI would also like to apply for credit with Ferguson

Additional DirectionstextPlease download, and complete the form. You can then submit it to CCAD@ferguson.com, or fax it to 757-369-5045.
[  Download Credit Application (PDF)  ]
Note: To apply, you must be an owner or an authorized check-signer of your company.

Conditions: When Credit account prompt is selected

SubmitbuttonRequest Account

Will send email to lead@ferguson.com with information.

Pathing Cues

Descriptive texttext

Already have an account, but need access to Ferguson.com? See our online access request form.

Stuck? Call us: 1-888-222-1785