Jira Release 87 - 2024-12-20

AA-6548 - Digital Commerce Project Updates

Revamp the EFEI project to add issue types and update workflows on existing issue types.


AA-6485 Create Bug Workflow

AA-6486 Create Screens for Story

AA-6487 Create Story Workflow

AA-6488 Create Screens for Program Intake

AA-6490 Create Spike Workflow

AA-6491 Create Progam Intake Workflow

AA-6492 Create Training Workflow

AA-6493 Create Screens for Bug

AA-6494 Create Screens for Training

AA-6520 Create Screens for Spike

ServiceNow Request

AA-6453 RITM3113893 - Update to Standard SDLC workflow for Our Brands


Issue Details

key summary type release notes