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This document outlines the key processes and policies for DXT Quick Queue requests Logo Creation.   

Important Note  This only applies for the following types of requests: 

  • Fixing broken links 
  • Swapping out existing assets 
  • Spelling corrections 
  • Dates that need to be updated in the content 
  • Swapping out a PDF 
  • Swapping out a brand image 
  • Providing high-resolution images
  • Creation of blank pre-existing JSON spreadsheet
  • Creation of brand headers (logo with background color)
  • Creation of search banners

Policies and Procedures 

Merchandise should submit their quick queue requests as new issues on this project: DXT Quick Queue

Tip: Add the DXT Quick Queue project to your Workfront Favorites so you can access it easily when you have a new issue to request. 
Form Fields – Navigate to the Issues tab on the DXT Quick Queue project.  In the View drop down, please select “DXT Issues.”  This will allow you to view all the important fields that need to be filled out.  Make sure you have "Nothing" selected for the Grouping.

To add your new issue, click on "Add More Issues" at the bottom of the issues area and fill out all the fields you see.  DO NOT add a new issue by clicking "New Issue" above the column header.

  • Quick Queue Category = Please indicate if your issue is a Quick Fix [QF], Quick Sheet [QS], Brand Header [BH], Search Banner [SB]
  • Name = Must lead with [QF], [QS], [BH], or [SB] then issue name 
  • Previous WF#, Project Name or Asset ID – for reference = This helps us locate the previous project if it contains helpful information.  Please put N/A if we don’t need to reference anything. 
  • Description = Please list ALL assets that need to be modified.  If asset numbers are included on an attached Excel sheet, please indicate that here.  Include as many details as possible in this field.   
  • Latest Update = Will populate with the last update posted to that particular issue 
  • Requested Designer = If this is a request that relates to Shop By Job, send it to Ross Froehlich.  He will be handling Quick Queues relating to Shop By Job (Hope Skinner will be his backup for when he is out of the office).  For all other types of work, if someone worked on the asset before, you can request them for the issue.  This is not guaranteed.   
  • Ref # = This number will autogenerate once you have submitted your issue.  This will be the publishing task number. 

Image Removed

Please use the above screenshot as an example of how to fill out your issue request.  After your issue is created, you may click to go into it and attach any screenshots or documents you may have.  Attaching them inside the specific issue will ensure that your documents get placed on the correct issue.  

The “Previous WF#, Project Name or Asset ID – for reference” field is there to help us locate the previous project that was associated with your issue.  If you only have the asset ID handy, you can just include one asset ID number (we only need one to do the search) and we will be able to find the previous project.  If there’s no previous project or asset ID available, you can put N/A. 

All asset IDs that need to be updated must be listed in the Description field.   


  1. Merchandise submits issue  
  2. DXT is notified via email 
  3. Visual Designer assigns issue to him/herself and begins work  
  4. Work is complete, Merchandiser is tagged on the issue in the updates area and is asked to proof Staging 
  5. Merchandise confirms Staging is correct 
  6. Visual Designer adds issue to the publishing spreadsheet 
  7. Visual Designers assigns issue to WCA Engineers 
  8. WCA Engineers publish fix 
  9. Merchandiser proofs Production 
  10. WCA Engineers mark issue complete. 

Expected Turnaround Time

The DXT Visual Designers as well as the DXT Project Manager will receive an email notification once you have submitted your request.  The DXT plans on working these requests same day or next day for issues that don’t have a future publish date.  



Policies and Procedures 

Logo information should be updated and store through this link: All Category 

  • Column A = Brand Name
  • Column B = The WCS Metadata ID Number for the newly added/updated Logo
  • Column C = The name of the file in WCS
  • Column D = The URL attached to the WCS asset for the newly added/updated Logo
  • Column E = The Width of the Logo you are loading (all logos added should be 600px wide)

Image Added

If a logo already exists and it is requested you "update" the logo, please confirm if this change should happen to all instances of the logo you currently have,

then you can replace the logo in WCS with the new logo given. Please make sure that the width is 600px.

If you need to create a new "version" of a logo, right click and add a new row to the sheet. 

Match the brand name and specify the difference, for example above: American Standard, American Standard Grey, American Standard HVAC.

All of these should have different WCS assets, ID Numbers and URLS.


  1. Receive new logo
  2. Open a styling program and create an artboard at 600px
  3. Place logo onto artboard and scale to fit the 600px width, height can vary
  4. Export to your job that has requested the new logo
  5. Open WCS > Content > New >Media > Linked Image Content
  6. Name with: Brand Name Large Logo
  7. Once the logo is dragged in and saved, open link above to add logos details


The WF Reference number should be added to your new logo in the tag section.

This number is the number in the publishing task to the job that has requested the logo EX: WF1234563.

You will need to add the "WF" in the front of the publish number (no spaces between).

This logo, once checked in for publishing, will publish with the project checked.


All communication about an issue should be posted in the Updates area for that specific issue and not in the general Updates tab that appears above the full list of issues.  Posting your update on the specific issue will ensure that it does not get mixed up with communication that is happening on other issues the new asset should be approved through WorkFront (WF) with the requestor. 

Issues Out of Scope

If it is determined that your issue requires a change in content, a change in design, or a larger effort is required to complete your issue, the DXT Project Manager will send it over to Kate Jacoby to have it be included in a Daily Project Review (DPR) meeting.  The requestor will be notified through Workfront and given an explanation.  The requestor will be included on the DPR when it is scheduled.  The issue will be converted to a project after the DPR and will be worked accordingly. 


If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions for this new process, please let the DXT Project Manager know.   the logo is incorrect or not of good quality, express this to the requestor and ask if they have the full size vendor logo.