System | Updates needed | Status |
Jira | Webhooks created/enabled | |
Jira | Change workflow updates Remove restrictions for creating new Changes. User Validator Validator ID: 6357efb0-e437-4874-8b85-1fd15b6f4bb6 The current user should match all the following criteria
The following message will be displayed if validation fails: Creating Changes in Jira is temporarily disabled. Changes should be created in ServiceNow. | |
ServiceNow Update Sets | Gamaliel Bardales Please indicate The following update sets for changes we need in Prod,are needed for prod release:
| |
Servicenow Accounts Needed to be moved | Need scriptrunnerattachment account moved to prod. | |
Scriptrunner Events → Snow Rest Messages | Need to set create/modify rest message endpoints in SNOW on prod same night as release | |
ScriptRunner Connect Events/Scripts - JIRA | Update / Enable Jira Events (scripts) to use Prod connection: Issue Created (OnJiraChangeCreated) Issue Created (OnJiraCTASKCreated) Issue Updated (OnJiraChangeUpdated) Issue Updated (OnJiraCTASKUpdated) Comment Created (OnJiraChangeCommentCreated) Comment Created (OnJiraCTASKCommentCreated) Attachment Created (OnJiraCloudAttachment Created) | |
ScriptRunner Connect Events/Scripts - ServiceNow | Generic Event (OnServiceNowUpdateChange) Generic Event (OnServiceNowCTASKCreated) Generic Event (OnServiceNowCTASKUPDATE) Generic Event(OnServiceNowAttachmentCreated) Generic Event (OnServiceNowCHANGECommentAdded) Generic Event (OnServiceNowCTASKCommented) | |
ScripRunner Connect Parameters (Environment Variables) | Verify the following DataCenters