Manage dashboard access
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You must have permission to manage the dashboard to grant, modify, or revoke access to it. |
However, Analytics admins can grant access to any person or group.
Grant access to a dashboard
Set view restrictions
To help you ensure only the appropriate people have access to the data on your dashboards, dashboards are private by default. If you want to allow anyone with access to Atlassian Analytics to view a dashboard, you can change the dashboard’s view restrictions:
Changes will immediately take effect.
Grant access to specific people
There are two ways to grant access to a single dashboard:
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Can’t find who you’re looking for? Check with your organization admin or through your organization administration that they have access to Atlassian Analytics. |
Grant access to multiple dashboards
To assign dashboard permissions to multiple dashboards at once:
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Can’t find who you’re looking for? Check with your organization admin or through your organization administration that they have access to Atlassian Analytics. |
Modify access to a dashboard
To change a person or group’s dashboard permissions:
Changes will immediately take effect.
Revoke access to a dashboard
To revoke a person or group’s access to a dashboard: