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DXT Project Overview


Effective Date

April 2020




Business Owner


Table of Contents


This document outlines outlines the key processes and turnaround times for a typical Digital processes and turnaround times for a typical Digital Experience Team project.  This cannot be applied on projects that include JSON or JSON or AB Tests with Analytics. Example Project: 

Policies and Procedures

Submitting a Project Request


In order to submit a project request to the DXT Visual Designers, you must fill out the Marketing Request Form found in the drop down on this page in Workfront:  

Policies and Procedures

DXT Project Phases 

The Digital Experience Team separates out their projects in 6 main phases:

  1. Define
  2. Design
  3. Design Review
  4. Develop
  5. Testing
  6. Deliver


Includes kickoff meeting, research, and any tasks that need to be completed before Design can begin.   

  • Discovery - The Designer uses the “Discovery” time to make sure they have what they need to get started.  They can also use this time to complete any research that is needed for the project. 
  • Copy & SEO – Tasks to be completed by a Copywriter and an SEO Strategist. 


Includes initial wireframes, design time, design reviews, as well as time for final edits before moving on to Development. 

Design Review


Includes all development work needed to get the designs coded, into WCS, testing on Staging and corrected before Go Live. 



Includes publishing to production and any additional tasks required post Go Live. 

Project Requirements 

The DXT team needs several pieces of information before they can begin their work. 

  • Kickoff meeting 
  • Goal of the banners and/or landing page(s) 
  • Imagery 
  • URLs with tracking codes 
  • Copy or outline of copy needed 
  • Approved creative from Marketing (if applicable) 
  • Workfront request 
  • Workfront project 
  • Commitment from other teams involved in the project


Make sure you select the following fields on the form in order to route your request to the DXT Project Manager:

What teams would be needed for the success of this request?

Job Type
Website Content

Please make sure you fill out the section in the screenshot below. The boxes filled in are just examples…


DXT Deliverables Sheet


In order to get the Merchandisers, Visual Designers, Copywriter and SEO literally on the same page for each project, we have created the DXT Deliverables Sheet.

Submission, Sharing and Editing

The Merchandiser can submit the DXT Deliverables Sheet at the time of the request, at the Kickoff/DPR, or at a later specified date. It must be provided as a link. The document must be editable by “People in MyDigitalSpace with a link.” This allows us to work from one true document at the same time.


Each Merchandiser has their own sheet. They are to use a new one each calendar year. The spreadsheets all contain the following:

  1. A “Promo” tab that can be duplicated for each new promotion. Each promotion should have its own named tab.

    1. WF Project # (you only need to put this number in one cell as it pertains to the entire promo tab)

    2. Deliverable

      • Hero

      • Secondary

      • Skinny

      • Catalog

      • Catalog Skinny

      • Side

      • Landing Page

      • JSON

    3. Primary Message

    4. Secondary Message

    5. CTA

    6. Disclaimer (if any)

    7. Imagery Specifics/Details/Etc.

    8. Tracking Code

  2. An “Example” tab explaining how to fill it out. It is locked so it cannot be edited.

  3. A “Dropdown” tab which houses the data for the drop downs in column B of the “Promo” tab. You can ignore this tab. It is locked so it cannot be edited.

Kickoff Meeting/Daily Project Review (DPR)

The goal of the project kickoff meeting is to discuss discuss the project details with all parties involved, establish  establish tasks needed and a timeline, and get and get commitment from everyone.  There is a daily project review meeting called the DPR which is scheduled every morning at 8:30. This allows for a consistent blocked period of time when everyone can come together to discuss new project requests.

If you wish to discuss your new project request in the following day’s DPR, you must submit the request by 2:00 and it must be reviewed by the DXT Project Manager before 2:30. If you are near the cutoff time, please contact the DXT PM directly to ensure your request makes it into the following day’s DPR. If there are no projects to discuss for the following day, a cancellation for that DPR is sent out around 3:00pm. The reason for this is so everyone can plan to be in attendance for the early morning meeting the next day.

Brief Outline of a Typical


Merchandise/DXT Project from Start


to Finish

  1. Merchandise has an idea for a promotion and gathers information needed so it can be submitted.

  2. Merchandise fills out the project details on the Marketing Request form and submits the request in Workfront.

  3. Traffic Coordinator

    DXT Project Manager receives the request and forwards the details to stakeholders, designer, copywriter and


    SEO for their review.

  4. Traffic Coordinator converts the request into a project and assigns it to the Project Manager.
  5. After review, and if there is enough time, the Project Manager estimates the work before the kickoff/DPR.
  6. Traffic Coordinator

    DXT PM schedules a kickoff meeting

    (often a Daily Project Review, also known as a DPR).


  7. All parties involved attend the kickoff/DPR and the project is reviewed.

  8. All parties involved commit to their tasks and dates.

  9. DXT PM converts the Workfront request into a project in Planning mode.

  10. DXT PM adds tasks to the project and sets the project status

    is set

    to Current

    , no longer in Planning


  11. All work is completed and the deliverables are published to Production.

  12. Once all tasks are marked complete, the project's status automatically changes to Complete.

DXT Project Phases 

The Digital Experience Team separates out their projects in 6 main phases:

  1. Define

  2. Design

  3. Design Review

  4. Develop

  5. Testing

  6. Deliver


Includes kickoff meeting, research, and any tasks that need to be completed before Design can begin.   

  • Discovery - The Designer uses the “Discovery” time to make sure they have what they need to get started.  They can also use this time to complete any research that is needed for the project. 

  • Copy & SEO – Tasks to be completed by a Copywriter and an SEO Strategist. 

  • Additional tasks might be added here and assigned to the appropriate person if there are outstanding items needed before someone’s work can begin.


Can include the following tasks:

  • Initial wireframes

  • Design time

  • Design reviews

Design Review

Can include the following tasks:

  • Peer review - designs are shared internally with either the DXT Manager or Design Lead

  • Design review - designs are shared with the requestor and anyone else who is marked as approver on the project

  • Design copy review - designs are shared with the Copywriter to ensure copy is correct

  • Design final edits - time allowed to make corrections before development based on feedback from reviews


Can include the following tasks:

  • Development - work needed to get the designs coded and into WCS


Can include the following tasks:

  • Test on Staging - Assigned to the requestor, this is time allotted to test assets on Staging

  • Develop Final Edits - time allowed to make corrections to the copy before Go Live

Deliverables are tested on Staging by the Merchandiser and any additional approvers. Marking the “Test on Staging” task as complete indicates approval of the assets on Staging.


Can include the following tasks:

  • Publish - this task has Includes publishing to production and any additional tasks required post Go Live. 

Project Requirements 

The DXT team needs several pieces of information before they can begin their work. 

  • Kickoff meeting 

  • Goal of the banners and/or landing page(s) 

  • Imagery 

  • URLs with tracking codes 

  • Copy or outline of copy needed 

  • Approved creative from Marketing (if applicable) 

  • Workfront request 

  • Workfront project 

  • Commitment from other teams involved in the project