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DXT JSON DXT Punchout Projects

Effective Date

October 2019



Business Owner

Farid Mokraoui


This document outlines the key processes and policies for JSON projectsPunchout requests. 

Important Notes

  • Decision to use JSON for a project will be determined by the DXT
  • JSON is best used for templatized projects such as recurring promotions
  • JSON process will not begin until all designs are signed off and approved. Changes to the design template after design approval can impact the delivery date for a project.

Policies and Procedures


DXT File Ownership

  • Google spreadsheet initial setup will be done by DXT. Folders and files will be shared with Merchandisers for access.
  • For category pages, Merchandisers will receive template pieces they can use to copy/paste into spreadsheets as needed for their pages.
  • Spreadsheet export will be handled by DXT for JSON validation and WCS upload. WCS asset creation will be handled by DXT.
  • Slot asset IDs will be set to Merchandisers for XM set up.

JSON Process Flow 

  1. Google spreadsheet is created by DXT
  2. All page/banner data is manually inputted into Google spreadsheet by Merchandiser
  3. Spreadsheet is exported into valid JSON format by DXT
  4. HTML/JavaScript/CSS files are uploaded to WCS
  5. JavaScript parses JSON file data which is then outputted as HTML
    1. This step happens in the browser on page load
    2. Data rendered on page comes from the spreadsheet


Expected Turnaround Time – The turnaround time for a project utilizing JSON can vary, with more custom experiences needing the most time to build and test. Many of the below tasks happen concurrently.


  • Develop process is almost the same as for 
  • Setup by Tim in XM to get the content onto the site. 
  • There is no Punchout staging site. You will have to use site below with credentials. 

Policies and Procedures 

Development Process Flow  

  •  Develop the content you want to be on the site. 
  •  Upload code to WCS. 
  •  Test your content on 
  •  Once approved, tag the UX Engineers on the Workfront project letting them know the content will be published to Punchout.
  •  Publish content to production as normal. 
  •  Find out if Tim needs to add any of the content to be in a certain testing zone.  
  •  If certain zone is needed tag Dyrone/UX Engineers on Workfront stating which zone the content needs to be in. They will set the content up in that zone.  
  •  Right after publishing or after UX engineers set up testing zone is done; Tim can set up content in XM. 
  •  Meet with Tim or use Punchout test site credentials proved by Nathan L to check content on the site is working.  
  •   Once content looks good Tim can publish content out to production.  
  •  Use Punchout test site credentials to check everything on production. 


Expected Turnaround Time – The turnaround time for a project with content that will be published on Punchout 

WF Task Turnaround Time 
Design Punchout content. (DXT) 5 days
Get content approved by project sponsor (Project Sponsor/Merch) 2-3 days
HTML/CSS development (DXT) 5
JSON spreadsheet population (Merch)
5 days
JSON/JS development (DXT)10-15 days for new template
5 days to reuse or adapt previous templateJSON spreadsheet review/export (DXT)2 daysWCS asset set up / ID delivery (DXT)5 daysStaging review (DXT/Merch)3 daysSpreadsheet edits (Merch)2 days


Publish content to (DXT) 1 day
(Optional) Dyrone sets up target zone (UX Engineers/Dyrone) 1-2 days
Hand off assets to Tim to setup in XM. (DXT/Tim Indoe) 1-3 days
Publish content onto Punchout. (Tim Indoe) 1 day
Check content on site. (DXT/Tim Indoe)  1 day

Viewing Content on Punchout

Credentials Provided by Nathan/Tim 


Login - fergsim2019 

Password - Test123! 

Then you will enter a client ID and security Key. 


FFS –  

Client – Aimco 

Security Key - 1dEk78G5xdny83e 


Industrial – 

Client – MPC 

Security Key - 6q;Lt,Sk*,34BAY 


Another Industrial 

Client – Alcoa 

Security - YNoF8K~ks3(1/9S 


Once entered, you will have a new page show up and you have to enter the Client name in the userid: field, then hit submit